
Ryan D. Treffers, J.D. provides legal policy and research consulting services.

For nearly twenty years, Ryan has contributed work to a range of public health policies, strategies, and projects focused on issues including reducing alcohol-related harm, cannabis legalization, and the impacts of preemption on policy implementation at the state and local level.

In addition to having extensive expertise in researching and tracking legislation, laws, and policies at all levels of government, Ryan has worked with advocates, community organizations, law enforcement, and governmental officials throughout the country to identify and implement policies and strategies that promote public health.

Ryan is a Research Scientist at the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (PIRE) and Prevention Research Center (PRC). He is the director for PIRE projects that include the Alcohol Policy Information System (APIS) and the Report to Congress on the Prevention and Reduction of Underage Drinking (STOP Act) as well as a co-study director for the Information and Dissemination in Support of Community Interventions component of the PRC Center Grant. Ryan also serves on the Advisory Board of the United States Alcohol Policy Alliance (USAPA).

Updated January 25, 2024

** Ryan D. Treffers, J.D. intends to provide educational resources to community coalitions, policy analysts, municipal governments, and others assessing potential responses to public health problems in their communities. Any legal analysis provided is not offered or intended to constitute legal advice or to substitute for obtaining legal advice from a licensed attorney, and its use does not imply the creation of an attorney/client relationship. Ryan D. Treffers, J.D. is not engaged in the formal practice of law.